Youtuber Playlist/Video Links

You know, that could work. Explain 1 simple concept on a vine, a small group of things on a tiktok, and more advanced stuff on YouTube :thinking:

Edit: but only if the background on the TikToks is some cheesy music with weird dancing and everything explained through on screen text with odd transitions.

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May just do 1 sentence tweets tbh!

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Should already be doing that to say you have a new video out :joy:

New to the world of Youtube video creation, but been investing for around 18 months.
I’m enjoying learning all about investing and I would love your feedback on what you like/want to see in Youtube videos - what stocks do you want analysis on? Which companies & ETFs are you most excited about? Let me know below or in the comment section of my videos!

Check out my latest video:

Other Recent Videos:
Passive Income - How much I made in July

Got a post about the Freetrade Plus account and how it compared to other platforms. Would love to know if you guys agree.

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Hi @Inkmattic, I read the post. Overall, I agree with it: it does not seem worth it to pay a fee, particularly such a high one, to invest in an ISA. Particularly considering the fact that there are free alternatives such as T212.

Also, to be honest if the costs are similar then I would probably rather be with an established bank such as Barclays, HSBC, Santander, Lloyds, etc that I can just walk in to a branch if I have any issues and that you have more of a guarantee that the government will not allow them to fail, over a new fintech such as FreeTrade. The main reason I use these apps is because they are free - now T212 has another advantage which is “Auto-Invest”.

By the way, I found a typo in the penultimate section which you may want to correct:

at the time of writing this Freetrade does lot allow REITS to be included in their ISA accounts.

I guess you mean’t “does not”

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Thanks for checking it out. I agree with you about the point where if fees are charged a certain price it my be worth moving to a bank to have that security.

Thanks for spotting the type. I’ve corrected it :slightly_smiling_face:


Good read that.

A couple of things to point out (sorry I was a sub-editor for many years so I can hardly help myself)…

Companies should be singular, so Freetrade ‘has’ rather than ‘have’, ‘its’ rather than ‘their’, ‘is’ rather than ‘are’, and so on.

Also, I can hardly help point out Betteridge’s law of headlines which says that any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered ‘no’.


Hi Topher,

As you can probably tell I’m not much of a writer, but trying to better myself in this area. The feedback is really helpful and appreciate it. When reading back the post with your suggestions I see what you mean and have corrected them.

I will do some more reading around Betteridge’s law as this will be useful for future posts i do.

thanks again. :slight_smile:


My Investing portfolio

Here’s my £135K portfolio, all in on Tesla:

Too Late To Invest Into Tesla? What You Can Do Right Now:

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Makes good sense to me! I’ve been keen to take a step into Tesla for a while but the volatility makes me wary. Wait for a dip that never comes or miss a dip because you took your off eye the ball.

What do you think will happen on Monday?

The little and often approach you mention does sound more realistic and less intense.

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I think there will likely be a mass selling of the stock due to impatience and the green profit numbers haha. But that’s just a thought, could go opposite direction. Who knows.

I’ll just wait 10 years :slightly_smiling_face:

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I guess I was wrong, the stock is up again. I’ve made about £20,000 this week in appreciation #NeverSelling. Just reacted to it on my YT channel:

Screenshot 2020-09-01 at 13.02.30

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Tell us when you sell.

In 2030 :slight_smile:

What if Elon dies before then?

Depends exactly when TBH. If between now and next 5 years then that’s a serious issue. Lots of hard problems to solve between now and then, but I expect after that not much of an issue.

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Yeah hoping he gets the company where it needs to be and then it can meet its mission and have its path easily laid out

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