[Buy Options] Recurrence

Since fractional shares are here (best news and thank you so so much for that!) I was thinking at an additional feature for this specific category, next to the existing ones (“Limit”, “Stop”, “Stop Limit”): + “Recurrence”. (later edit: Or even under “Price alerts” section). It might help a certain category of investors.

The idea is to be some sort of alarm/notification type of feature which will have the following options (will take TSLA as stock of choice):
Amount = [chosen amount] (for example 1000€)
Repeat = [W, M, Q, Y] (for example M - every 1st of the month)
Type = [DCA] or [VA]
Dollar Cost Averaging = [chosen amount] worth of shares: so when the “recurrence” goes off (on 1st of next month) it would suggest 2.735 number of shares (TSLA 405.23$)
Value Averaging = [chosen amount] incremented for next month minus the current portfolio: let’s say that from previous month we have already 1110€ worth of TSLA, so on next 1st of the month the “alarm” would suggest 890€ worth of shares (2.434 number of shares for the same price as above) to reach the next portfolio increment (2000€), and so on.

More clear about DCA and VA here: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/stocks/07/dcavsva.asp

I think this would be a nice addition to the fractional shares feature for stocks and especially ETFs. Also, it complements very good with this suggestion (which seems to be already in the pipeline): Amount you want to pay

Anyways, congrats for making the platform tick the essential points for an ideal broker in Europe and that you are so receptive to suggestions! :blush:


Not sure, sounds more like clutter for me and too many notifications if people have multiple shares/ETFs. What if a share drops 50%? Good chance they won’t continue matching the suggestion.

Personally I prefer just paying 1000 regardless of performance like Direct Debit feature

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Yes, but depends on how many “alerts” you set. Usually for long term investments there are few options in a portfolio and would be also easier to maintain the set allocations without periodically rebalancing.

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