Dividend safety score app

Do you know where I can see dividend safety score of the stocks?

Is there any free app or website where I can check it?



I only know about one which is called simplysafedividends.com but you have to pay 399$/year if I’m correct but there seems to be plenty information on this website if you want. Their is also a 15 days free trial

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The Motleyfool website also gives great insights but no “score”.


@MaximeF Yeah, I found this one, but $399 is still too much for my budget. I’m using the free trail now and it seems there is a plenty of information indeed.

@Henners Thanks!

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365 / 15 = 24.33 ~25 email accounts for year of free trials? :thinking:


This is what I’m doing myself. Planning to write a program that automatically makes me a new account after every 15 days and enters my stock positions as well.


That’s just the definition of being frugal lol

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Isn’t it US stocks only too?
Looks like all data comes from IEX.
So get over to IEX, pay them a few $ per year, extract that data and do-it-yourself?
$399 seems quite a high price for crunching “some” datapoints

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Business opportunity for you @Finki? :slight_smile:

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I “think” most of those data points they quote to use in their formula are already available for free via the FinKi API.

So, a business opportunity for $0. D’oh! :roll_eyes:

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Well obviously the people paying SSD are interested in their score. Thus we would need formula with weightings to mirror ssd score :slight_smile:

Fundamentals data you can scavenge around web that is no biggy…

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But not something I’m looking to do right now


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Thanks a lot for your comments guys. I think I’ll do what @Vedran suggested. :grinning:

However, IEX also looks like a great source for information.

Hi, I’m not sure this is still the subject but do you know any website where I can extract data from (such as dividend amount and dividend yield) that are not provide in Google Sheets with the GOOGLEFINANCE function ? I would like to use the IMPORTXML function but none of the websites I found work with this function, their seems to be some sort of protection.

Many thanks !

Yes, the FinKi API does that for you @MaximeF loads of dividend data there for you to import directly into G Sheet or Excel

This is what I’m doing myself. Planning to write a program that automatically makes me a new account after every 15 days and enters my stock positions as well.

Here it is :stuck_out_tongue:


any chance you could show me how you did this? Looks very good

Why not screenshot the Dividends of Companies and paste it on this site? :laughing: