Free Dividend & Portfolio Tracker

Hi investors,

I’m the founder of Pro Stock Tracker, a portfolio tracking tool with advanced analytics. As a Trading 212 user myself, it was through this forum that the idea for Pro Stock Tracker was born back in 2020. It’s been about 2 years since I started working on this project, and now I need your help.

I recently launched the product, and I’d love for you to try it out for free and give me some feedback, especially on the pricing. My main competitor is a more established player called Sharesight, so I’ve tried to replicate their pricing strategy. However, I’m very open to adjusting and changing it based on your feedback.

Some of the features are:

  • Wide range of assets. 80+ stock exchanges and more than 200,000+ holdings.
  • We track stocks, ETFs, cryptos, forex, mutual funds, EU bonds (US bonds coming soon).
  • Automatic sync of dividend and corporate actions.
  • Advance performance calculations (annual/cumulative, return breakdown, performance of only active or of sold investments included).
  • Analytic reports such as cash flow analysis, diversity report, contribution report, multi-currency report, multi-period report.
  • Interactive charts.
  • Advanced filtering (any period, grouping (industry, sector, country, currency, etc.), analysis of open positions or open & closed positions, etc.).

Please let me know if you’re interested to test it and I’ll give you full access to the platform for free. Thanks!


Hey, thanks. Definitely up for trying. Have sent you a DM.

Just as a quick one, I tried to upload my Trading 212 export file but it wasnt successful due to formatting. Maybe bespoke instructions for importing the standard Trading 212 file so it can handle those uploads?



Just sent you an invitation email. Thanks a lot for your help! Looking forward to work more on your feedbacks!

I’ll give a look on the import issue you encountered this weekend! Thanks for flagging this :+1:

Id be up for testing! Would i get it for free forever once launched? Atm im using ‘stock events’ which is fantastic and free for what i need atm.

But it’s only free for 50 stocks right?

No idea! There is a limit.

Investing wrong if you own over 50 stocks. tbh. As if you can successfully track all the news and information on 50 individual unless its your full time job and even then… :sweat_smile: Each to their own though!

Pro Stock Tracker prioritizes portfolio analytics compared to other tracking tools like Stock Events. It competes more directly with platforms such as Sharesight, rather than those like Getquin or Stock Events. Pro Stock Tracker or Sharesight offers more extensive analytical features and a deeper performance calculation.

Currently, I’ve been following a pricing structure similar to Sharesight’s, but I’m in the process of reviewing it. One potential change is reducing the number of tiers from four to three. Below, you’ll find the current pricing for Pro Stock Tracker along with its features.


I’ll be interested in testing this out.

Do we need an invite or should we sign up on the site and send over you usernames?

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Thanks a lot for offering your help! Please sign up on the website and send me a private message to let me know the email you used to create your account and I will follow up from there!


What about bolt-on/addons?


Free plan = cannot buy bolt-ons

Any paid plan = £2/month to add 1x feature from a different plan

If someone purchases Starter Plan for £5/m, they can add Multi-Currency report bolt-on for £2/month extra

Having said that, i’d love to mouseover each of the plan features to get a description and/or example of what it is

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I would love to test this out as well please

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Thanks for your suggestions; they make a lot of sense. I’ll definitely consider them for future updates :+1:

I would appreciate if you could join our test group. I’d love to have you on board! Please once you have signed up let me know your email privately and I’ll provide you full access to the app features.


Please send me a direct message with your email, and I’ll make sure you get access :+1:

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Ive been looking for a good portfolio tracker, so I’d be happy & keen to give yours a go, if you still need people?


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Thanks for your interest in testing the app! I’m happy to offer you access to our premium features for free. Please send me a private message with the email address you used to register, and I’ll provide you with the details.

I have been using Sharesight for the last few years. There are some things about it that create work - dividends / share splits have to be manually accepted and any related withholding tax also has to be manually entered even though my tax residency is already in the account settings; this should ideally be sorted out by a product code - no withholding applied to a SIPP, but applied to any other account (depending on source country and the related tax treaty). Any spinoffs are equally annoying - the Sandoz spinoff from Novartis required a back & forth with their customer service team and more work.

I would love to try out your application if you have a plan to address these things; sending you a PM to request access.

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Thank you for reaching out! I have just sent you instructions privately. Looking forward to hear your feedbacks!

Hello @Ados83 still looking for testers? I’m happy to participate as I’ve been looking for something similar.


Sure. Please send me a private message with your email and I’ll provide you access.

We have already taken action on some of the user’s feedback (for example, the new CSV import feature went live this week) and I’d love to test these changes with new users :crossed_fingers: :rocket: :technologist:

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Still looking for testers?

I’m a long-time Sharesight user, and recently trialled about a dozen alternatives so I have a pretty solid idea of the offerings and limitations.