2024 most wanted features

Awesome stuff with the news, much appreciated. Any chance of the browser version getting this soon?
Same thing for the extended hours prices - seems to not have fully hit the browser version yet.


It would be great to be able to export a specific number of shares from a pie.

I’m making a significant rebalance, so want to sell with limit orders rather than market orders. To do so I want to remove the whole shares, sell them, buy a few new shares using a limit order and put the cash back in to the pie to rebalance the dregs.

Added to that…

Being able to change primary currency in a GIA.

Being able to rebalance in asset currency.

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  1. Vote UK listed shares

  2. LISA

  3. SIPP

I’ve now noticed you can do that on the website but not the (android) app

Being able to place a buy order without having sufficent liquidity.
Sometimes sales happen, but no funds available, would be nice if T212 could provide such liquidity.

Value would have to be paid in x days.
Hefty fine if not.
Value would be limited, ex: Max 250€

We’re revamping the web app to ensure parity for features like this one. We can’t commit to a rollout date at this point in time but will keep you in the loop as always.


Can you please improve the cash display?
Now that you do interest on cash it would be good to bring cash onto the dashboard and display it as a proper amount of cash invested (CR/DR). interest earned and balance.
Thank you.


I switch from freetrade to treading212 few month now for lower FX fee, is a brilliant app over all and I am very happy to see new features appearing in the past period, but there are still something that I am not used to:

  1. I can’t see my return on my portfolio dealing a specify period, like 1 day, week or month.

  2. After selling the stock, the top of the portfolio is no longer included in the gain/loss figure of the stock, this gives me no way of knowing my overall rate of return

it would be great to have these useful features


Cant wait for this. :+1:

Mentioned elsewhere, but some general usability improvements would be appreciated for web and apps:

  • Ability to see full name of instruments easily, without clicking through to instrument details.
  • Being able to compare multiple instruments on same chart, % scale.

You clearly don’t understand much about your pension investing then.

Yeah it’s me who doesn’t understand.

It is good that we both agree with it then :slight_smile:

The ability to sell specific stocks. Fidelity has this feature

I don’t see it documented on the site if stock sales have any guaranteed order (e.g. oldest first). Some countries have 0 capital gains if selling stocks after n years so it’s useful to guarantee the sale of the older ones. Similarly if you suddenly need some cash and the older stocks aren’t old enough but the most recent stocks are negative it would allow you to sell the more recent ones and avoid the CG due to it having a loss (and then wait the time period to sell the ones in profit).
People could sell a combination of older & newer stock purchases to balance out P/L too

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Did not realise this and useful to know, but it’s only really useful for tax reporting imo. I might be wrong but not sure if 212 offer any FIFO reporting, and from a UK perspective it only really matters for markets like India I think which we don’t have on 212.

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Besides India, FIFO is used in several European countries. Maybe it’s only UK the exception, not the way around. :smiley:

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Can we add a feature or function that will allow us to round to the nearest lots.

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Do you have plans on releasing this for the desktop app?

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with support for multiple screens please :slight_smile: