2024 most wanted features

Iā€™m honestly waiting for a SIPP more than anything else at the moment.

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Can I suggest a feature called ā€œStock Screenersā€. Iā€™ve just got invite on Robinhood. App is very underwhelming btw. However, that feature is very useful and would be a great addition to Trading212.


Iā€™m asking for a full roll-out of share coverage to the remaining segments of the LSE. I know adding new instruments is currently paused but when it resumes can pretty much everything possible be includede?

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Great idea!

To add on top of it, be able to define some screens and automatically create a pie with those screens applied.

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I would love a stock screener but want one that is programmable so it is possible to write custom scripts to screen stock in the watchlist


individual bonds or at least gilts


Hi, could the allocation of Portfolio be changed or amended to show sector spread, eg Financial, Health etc as we know what our individual positions are. Could use spreadsheet but one less time consuming task would help.

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Self-balancing fund distribution for AutoInvesting in pies


Need this bad. Every other platform has it too

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Multi platform login.
Also the ability to modify a limit order rather than having to cancel the limit order and create a new order.

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Modify limit orders we had it before + options please

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For me, itā€™s definitely an iOS widget support.

I am aware that there are tabs that show the best and worst performers, but by the time something enters this view, it is usually too late to buy or sell.

It would be essential to be able to set customisable price alerts or a customisable view, for example to identify stocks that are rising very fast (e.g. +20% in an hour or +5% in 15 minutes, depending on the userā€™s needs).

In this way, stocks of interest can be identified immediately, without having to find them in the tab of the best stocks that have already risen by 600%.

Itā€™s very frustrating to be always ā€œlateā€ because there is no proper and versatile price alert mechanism.

PS. I am not referring to price alerts that can be set for a specific title, but to a way of finding out as soon as possible what is going up (or down, depending on your specific needs) very quickly. Also a custom view would workā€¦

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I have previously shared some of my suggestions. Therefore, I am reposting them here for better visibility. All of them could massively improve my current trading style.

Please REPAIR the view of the stocks one holds in Invest . It never worked properly before - the columns canā€™t be made to fit the screen space properly. The space between the instrument name and the next column is far too wide. Itā€™s the same as the next few columns. Then the the font size/space is wrong so we canā€™t read the information. The gaps between the columns are much too wide so thereā€™s no room for the text.

Also when Browsing stocks, one can order alphabetically or by exchange, how about adding the ability to order by the % gain column. It would make a useful quick screener.


Nothing much to add. Please add functionality of the trailing stop loss order


Yes please - on both/all platforms.
Be ahead of the rest - at the moment youā€™re lagging - make the trailing stop work off the ATR or a moving average. That would he highly attractive to investors.

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There should be an option to sort stocks by result (%) in the new version.

Every time this new version is pushed on us this one simple, key feature is lacking. In the legacy stocks can be sorted in order for Quantity, Price, Market value, etc

Why canā€™t this be implemented in any new version which T212 seem very insistent on pushing on people.

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Is there a roadmap or timeline for pending features anywhere?

Have you seen what happened in the thread about the bank card when they announced rollout to start towards the end of March?