This topic has the objective to try to help the Trading 212 (T212) customers in the stocks & ETFs requests, for people who requested them but also to save some time for all other people in the T212 community, as people constantly ask for stocks and ETFs that cannot be added in Trading 212 for the same reasons.
1. Eligible instruments and exchanges (markets)
So far, the following financial instruments are eligible to be added in T212:
1.1. Stocks & REITs:
US: NYSE (includes the AMEX); NASDAQ; OTC Markets [1]
Canada: Toronto Stock Exchange
UK: London Stock Exchange; London Stock Exchange AIM [2]
Germany: Deutsche Börse Xetra
Switzerland: SIX Swiss
Netherlands: Euronext Amesterdam
France: Euronext Paris
Belgium: Euronext Brussels
Austria: Wiener Börse
Spain: Bolsa de Madrid
Portugal: Euronext Lisbon
[1] Some OTC Markets stocks aren’t eligible, see below.
[2] Except the following unsupported segments of the LSE:
- ASX1
For a detailed list of the LSE supported segments see the following posts:
1.2. ETPs - ETFs, ETNs & ETCs:
US: NYSE; NASDAQ [Only for Trading 212 AU PTY LTD → platform registered in Australia] [Note 1]
UK: London Stock Exchange; London Stock Exchange AIM
Germany: Deutsche Börse Xetra
Switzerland: SIX Swiss
Netherlands: Euronext Amesterdam
France: Euronext Paris
Belgium: Euronext Brussels
Austria: Wiener Börse
Spain: Bolsa de Madrid
Italy: Borsa Italiana (BVME)
Portugal: Euronext Lisbon
1.3. Closed-End Funds - Investment Trusts:
UK: London Stock Exchange; London Stock Exchange AIM
2. Instruments and exchanges (markets) not eligible
The following financial instruments aren’t eligible to be added in T212:
US-domiciled ETPs (ETFs, ETNs & ETCs) [Only for Trading 212 UK Ltd. (UK platform) and Trading 212 Markets Ltd. (EU platform)]
US-domiciled mutual funds
US-domiciled closed-end funds (CEFs)
US-domiciled unit investment trusts (UITs)
US-domiciled OTC stocks that aren’t Penny Stock Exempt (PSE) or if they are PSE, they have low trading volume
Canadian-domiciled ETPs (ETFs, ETNs & ETCs)
Crypto-related financial instruments (UK residents and customers in Trading 212 UK)
Mutual funds or investment funds (from any country)
UK-domiciled unit trusts
Any stock or other type of financial instrument listed in a stock exchange not present in Trading 212. Examples:
→ 1.Australia
→ 2.Hong-Kong
→ 3.India
→ 4.Japan
→ 5.Any other stock exchange not present on T212.
2.1. Crypto ETFs & Crypto Assets
→ 1.
No crypto ETFs exist in Europe due to UCITS legislation.
→ 2.
In Europe there are crypto ETNs (aka “ETPs”).
→ 3. Trading 212 have crypto ETNs only in their Trading 212 EU platform.
→ 4. UK FCA don’t allow crypto ETNs for UK retail investors.
→ 5. Trading 212 don’t have crypto assets in their platforms.
3. Complementary information
Before asking for any stock or share, some tools to help scrutinize the potential success of getting the addition at T212:
3.1. For OTC Markets requests:
Go to the website below.:
See in the right side of each OTC stock page if they are Penny Stock Exempt (PSE). If the stock isn’t PSE, T212 wouldn’t be able to add them:
In the same OTC stock page, see if their trading volume isn’t low.
3.2. For US-domiciled financial instruments requests:
You could find out the type of US-domiciled financial instruments in this website:
3.3. For any request:
Check the availability of any stock or share at Interactive Brokers (IB) website, if they aren’t available in IB, Trading 212 wouldn’t be able to add them:
The Interactive Brokers (IB) stock exchange codes and the IB stock exchange designation:
→ 1. NYSE - New York Stock Exchange
→ 2. NASDAQ - Nasdaq
→ 3. PINK - OTC MarketsCanada: Toronto Stock Exchange
→ 1. TSE - Toronto Stock ExchangeUK: London Stock Exchange; London Stock Exchange AIM
→ 1. LSE - London Stock Exchange
→ 2. LSEETF - London Stock Exchange - ETFsGermany: Deutsche Börse Xetra
→ 1. IBIS - Xetra
→ 2. IBIS2 - XetraSwitzerland: SIX Swiss
→ 1. EBS - SWX Swiss ExchangeNetherlands: Euronext Amesterdam
→ 1. AEB - Euronext Amsterdam - StocksFrance: Euronext Paris
→ 1. SBF - Euronext Paris - StocksBelgium: Euronext Brussels
→ 1. ENEXT.BE - Euronext Brussels - StocksAustria: Wiener Börse
→ 1. VSE - Vienna Exchange - StocksSpain: Bolsa de Madrid
→ 1. BM - Madrid Stock ExchangeItaly: Borsa Italiana (BVME)
→ 1. BVME.ETF - Borsa Italiana - ETFsPortugal: Euronext Lisbon
→ 1. BVL - Euronext Lisbon - Stocks
4. References:
[Note 1] US-domiciled ETPs (ETFs, ETNs & ETCs):
Riedl, D. (28 March 2018). US-domiciled ETFs: why they are no longer available from many online brokers. justETF.
- Maybe this topic should be pinned in the Stocks & ETFs requests category or an official Trading 212 topic about this theme should be made, replacing this topic and pinned.